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Africa - Wild Animals
General Knowledge Quizzes

      Multiple Choice

Aardvak Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Cheetahs Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Chimpanzee Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Elephants Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Gazelles Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Giraffes Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Gorillas Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Hippopotamus Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Hyenas Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Impala Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Leopards Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Lions Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Rhinoceroses Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Water Buffalo Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Wildebeest Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Zebras Study#1 Study#2 MC#1 MC#2
Picture Quizzes MC#1      

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