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Leopards - Study #1

Q1) The dictionary definition of a leopard is _____?

Q2)A black or white panther is a leopard. True or False?

Q3) Leopards on average are smaller than the other wild cats; ________?

Q4) A male leopard can weigh as much as _______? Females are typically around two-thirds the size of males.

Q5) Leopards are excellent __________?

Q6) It is estimated that there are as many as _______ leopards worldwide.

Q7) Leopards habitat in the following areas; Africa, China, India, Asia, Pakistan, Siberia, and the islands of ________?

Q8) Leopards are solitary, avoiding one another. Solitary means ________?

Q9) Leopard are carvivorous and their diet consisting mostly of __________?

Q10) When it kills animals such as gazelle, a leopard carries them up into the trees to eat it, where hyenas, lions, and vultures can't reach it. Leopards are capable of carrying animals up to ______ their own weight into the trees.


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