Emilio Estevez - General Knowledge - Study Quiz #1

Q1) Emilio Estevez birth name is __?__.

Q2) Name the city and country where Emilio Estevez was born?

Q3) Emilio Estevez 's date of birth is?

Q4) What is Emilio Estevez 's height?

Q5) Emilio Estevez was married (divorced) to __?__ .

Q6) Emilio Estevez has a unique laugh, prominently featured in his role as Billy the Kid in the "Young Guns" series of films. True or False?

Q7) Emilio Estevez as a film director, he frequently casts members of his family in various roles. Prominent among these are his brother, __?__, and his father, __?__.

Q8) Name the film production Emilio Estevez debuted in?

Q9) As of 2009, Emilio Estevez has appeared in __?__ and __?__ T.V. productions.

Q10) Emilio Estevez was once engaged to __?__. (actress)