Canada - Global Warming - Study #1

Q1) The Meech Lake Accord took place in the year _____? It was one of the first events whereby scientist briefed the Canadian government on the harmful effects of global warming.

Q2) Amory Lovins, who founded the Rocky Mountain Institute claims that the world can wheen itself off fossil fuels by the year ______?

Q3) Due to a warming climate the world will experience droughts which will lead to widespread food shortages and starvation. True or False?

Q4) Name three areas of the world whereby droughts and starvation scientist predict that will increase.

Q5) A warmer climate is allowing a beetle to thrive, desimating the Canadian forest. In the past freezing winter normally kills them off and keeps them under control. The winters now are not cold enough to do this. Name that beetle?

Q6) Global warming is affecting the Inuit way of life. The late-summer sea ice will disappear almost entirely by the year 2100 There are ______ living in Northern Canada.

Q7) The Canadian weather service said last winter was the warmest on record in the Artic since they began keeping records in _________?

Q8) The will be the last Inuit generation to know how to read the stars, the wind and the clouds, to hunt the food that keeps them healthy, and the furs and skins that help them survive the elements, said Watt-Cloutier, an Inuit elder. True or False?

Q9) What is a circumpolar flaw lead and why is it important for scientist to study this?

Q10) Scientist claim that global warming is amplified at the Earth's poles, melting about ______ square kilometers of Arctic ice each year, a pace that could see the region seasonally free of ice by 2050.

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