Global Warming - Study #6

Q1) Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change written by a british economist Sir Nicholas Stern. True or False??

Q2) The stern report claims that __?___ million people throughout the world may be permanently displaced due to rising sea levels, heavier floods and drought. (environmental refugees)

Q3) The stern report claims that a warming of 2C could leave up to _?__% of the existing species facing extinction.

Q4) The stern report claims that a warming of 2 to 5C will deplete many of the fish stocks. Why?

Q5) The stern report claims that a warming of the climate can collaspe ocean currents and cause severe storms. True or False?

Q6) Plant photosynthesis begins to shut down at what temperture ________?

Q7) How many people died during the 2003 heatwave that struck Europe?

Q8) Stable food supplies are essential for global stability. True or False?

Q9) Diminishing food crops will lead to higher food prices. And food riots could lead to political unstability. True or False?

Q10) Dupont, the world's second largest chemical company, has cut its greenhouse gase emissions by ____% from 1990 and saved 3 billion dollars in profits.

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