Geography Glossary E5


1. A large rock boulder that has been transported by glaciers away from its origin and deposited in a region of dissimilar rock?

2. In these organisms, genetic material is organized into chromosomes that reside in the nucleus?

3. Physical, chemical and biological changes in a water body as a result of the input nitrogen and phosphorus?

4. Rock solidified from molten material that has issued out onto the earth's surface?

5. A religion identified with a particular etnic group and largely exclusive to it?

6. A portion of a state that is seperated from the main territory and surrouded by another country?

7. The conversion of formerly fatal epidemic diseases into conditions continual within populations that develop partial immunity to them?

8. __?___ can be defined as the process by which liquid water is converted into a gaseous state?

9. A physical weathering feature associated with granite that is the result of the erosion of overburden material and pressure-release?

10. Volcanic eruption where high-viscosity granite-rich magma causes an explosion of ash and pyroclastic material?