Geography Glossary D7


1. A smaller branching stream channel that flows away from a main stream channel?

2. Creation of two or more unique species from one ancestral species through the differential evolution of isolated populations?

3. Stream bed deposit found streams whose channel is composed mainly of sand and silt?

4. Is the measure of the length of stream channel per unit area of drainage basin?

5. A surface depression or hollow commonly found in arid and semiarid regions caused by wind erosion?

6. Refers to the quantity of mass per unit volume?

7. Laying down of sediment transported by wind, water, or ice/The change in state of matter from gas to solid that occurs with cooling.

8. Shed tissues, dead body parts, and waste products of organisms. In most ecosystems, detritus accumulates at the soil surface and other types of surface sediments?

9. The process of a substance dissolving and dispersing into a liquid?

10. Cyclonic low pressure system?