Geography Glossary C1


1. A bowl-shaped circular depression caused by the destruction of the peak of a volcano. Crater Lake, Oregon is a caldera and not a crater?

2. A substance that produces or incites cancerous growth?

3. The city that houses the headquarters of the country's government?

4. A narrow passage of water connecting two larger body of waters?

5. The numbers of any population that can be adequately supported by the available resources upon which that population subsists?

6. A bowl-shaped depression on a mountain that is carved out by an Alpine glacier?

7. A map that has been simplified to present a single idea in a diagrammtic way; the base is not normally true to scale?

8. A large waterfall?

9. One of the hereditary social classes in Hinduism that determines one s occupation and position in society. The parent's occupation is passed on to their son or daughter?

10. The theory that the continents of the earth move across the earth on giant tectonic plates?