First Aid - Glossary - Study J - K - L1      Online Dictionary!

Q1) A place where two or more bones meet?

Q2) A tough covering over a joint?

Q3) A pair of organs which filter blood and produce urine?

Q4) The muscular contractions of the uterus which expel the fetus?

Q5) A jagged wound from a rip or tear?

Q6) Removal of the larynx (voice-box); results in a neck-breaker?

Q7) A part of the eye which focuses rays on the retina?

Q8) A tough cord of tissue which connects bone to bone?

Q9) A fluid similar to plasma that circulates in the lymphatic system?

Q10) A system of vessels, nodes and organs which collects strayed proteins leaked from blood vessels and cleanses the body of microbes and other foreign matter?

Q11) This material is made of the sap of many plants, which coagulates on exposure to air. It is also produced synthetically?

Q12) To the side?

Q13) The lower back region?