First Aid - Glossary - Study U - V1      Online Dictionary!

Q1) Bone in the lower arm; on the little finger side?

Q2) A tube which carries urine from the bladder to the outside?

Q3) The muscular sac which holds, protects a fetus?

Q4) A blood vessel; carries blod to the heart?

Q5) Supplying air to the lungs?

Q6) The muscular lower chambers of the heart which pump blood into the arteries?

Q7) A quivering action of the heart muscles so that the blood is pumped?

Q8) The four signs that show the basic condition of the casuality: level of consciousness; breathing; pulse; skin condition and temperture?

Q9) Blood cells which are involved in immunity and control of microbes?

Q10) The cartilage tip at the lower end of the breastbone?

Q11) The bony segments of the spinal column?