First Aid - Glossary - Study S3      Online Dictionary!

Q1) The active ingredient in hot packs?

Q2) All tissues in the body except bone?

Q3) Any rigid material meant to immobilize a damaged part of the body?

Q4) Any injury where fibers of a ligament are stretched or torn?

Q5) Any injury where a muscle or tendon is stretched or torn?

Q6) The clear fluid that lubricates and protects a joint and its surface?

Q7) A vomit inducing agent. It is lowering in esteem in medical circles?

Q8) An organ of the lymphatic system; functions to cleanse foreign matter from the blood; blood reservoir?

Q9) Air in the pleural space due to an unexplained rupture of the underlying lung?

Q10) Is a rigid and padded support used to prevent movement in a bone or joint injury?