First Aid - Glossary - Study S1      Online Dictionary!

Q1) A bone from five fused vertebra; forms the back of the pelvis?

Q2) Shoulder blade?

Q3) The initial step of ESM where the first aider takes control, assesses any hazards and makes the area safe, finds out what has happened, identifies self as a first aider; gains consent from the casuality, calls for help from bystanders and starts organizing them to get help for the casuality?

Q4) A step of ESM, assessing the casuality for non-life-threatening injuries and giving appropriate first aid?

Q5) S.I.D.S.?

Q6) Objective evidence of disease or injury?

Q7) A support for an arm or shoulder, usually brought around the neck?

Q8) An organ of the lymphatic system; functions to cleanse foreign matter from the blood; blood reservoir?

Q9) Air in the pleural space due to an unexplained rupture of the underlying lung?

Q10) Is a rigid and padded support used to prevent movement in a bone or joint injury?