First Aid - Glossary - Study O2      Online Dictionary!


Q2) The branch of medicine dealing with bones and the skeleton?

Q3) The science and technology of braces for weak or injured joints and muscles?

Q4) The brain, spinal cord and nerves which control the body s activities?

Q5) A drug used to ease the workload on the heart; often carried as a pill or spray by casualties with angima?

Q6) The chemical symbol for oxygen??

Q7) A blockage in the air passageway to the lungs?

Q8) An odourless, colourless gas essential to life?

Q9) A method of assessing the adequacy of circulation to the extremities; gentle pressure is exerted on the nail bed until the tissue whitens; the return of colour to the area is assessed upon pressure release?

Q10) Failure to perform first aid the level expected of someone with similar training and experience?

Q11) A synthetic rubber co-polymer of acrylonitrile and butadiene?