First Aid - Glossary - Study H1     Online Dictionary!

Q1) Opening the casualty s airway by tilting the head backward and lifting the chin forward?

Q2) Chest pain due to a death part of the heart muscle; a myocardial infraction?

Q3) A weakened hert muscle that is unable to push blood forward; it backs up into the lungs and also causes swelling of the ankles, etc.?

Q4) Painful muscles spasms due to excessive loss of fluid and salts by sweating?

Q5) Excessive sweating causing a loss of water and salts?

Q6) A life-threatening emergency where the temperature regulation mechanism cannot cool the body, and the temperature is far above normal - also called hyperthermia or sunstroke?

Q7) Abodimal thrussts done to remove an airway obstruction?

Q8) Information about the casualty s problem: symptoms, events leading up to the problem, applicable illnesses or medications, etc.?

Q9) Abnormally elevated blood sugar?

Q10) High blood pressure?