First Aid - Glossary - Study E2     Online Dictionary!

Q1) A condition where fluid accumulates in spaces between cells, swelling tissues?

Q2) Drawing heat inward, simultaneously cooling the environment around?

Q3) Injury from repeated movements in these sports. Symptoms include swelling and pain in tendons and muscles around elbow?

Q4) Releasing heat outward?

Q5) Straightening a limb or a joint?

Q6) The outermost layer of skin?

Q7) A lid-like piece of tissue which protects the entrance to the larnynx (voice-box)?

Q8) An infection usually in children resulting in a swelling of the __?__ which may cause an air way obstruction?

Q9) A chronic brain disorder characterized by recurrent convulsions?

Q10) E.S.M.?

Q11) Expiration; breathing out?

Q12) Freezing from being trapped (usually a car collision)?