First Aid - Glossary - Study C3      Online Dictionary!

Q1) Wound where the skin is intact?

Q2) Is a condition of excess pressure on some part of the brain, usually caused by a buildup of fluids inside the skull?

Q3) A temporary disturbance of brain function usually caused by a blow to the head or neck?

Q4) Failure of the heart to pump effectively, causing a back-up of the fluid in the lungs and body tissues?

Q5) The transparent membrane covering the front of the eyeball (cornea) and the inner eyelids?

Q6) Contact with dirt, microbes, etc.?

Q7) To shorten; usually refers to a muscle which exerts a pull when it shortens?

Q8) The loss of heat caused by the movement of air over the body?


Q10) The transparent front part of the eyeball?