First Aid - Glossary - Study C1      Online Dictionary!

Q1) Very small blood vessels that link the arteries and the veins; allow gases and nutrients to move into and out of the tisues?

Q2) A waste gas produced by the cells; an important stimulant for control of breathing?

Q3) A dangerous, colourless, odourless gas which displaces the carrying of oxygen by the red blood cells?

Q4) Refers to disorders of the hert and blood vessels; e.g. high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis?

Q5) The sudden stopping of cardiac function with no pulse, and unresponsiveness. In first aid, also means no breathing?

Q6) The main artery of the neck; used to assess the cartoid pulse?

Q7) Small bones of the wrist?

Q8) A tough, elastic tissue covering the surfaces where bones meet, also forms part of the nose, and ears?

Q9) Part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and the spinal cord?

Q10) Stroke; sudden stopping of circulation to a part of the brain?