First Aid - Stroke - Study #2        Online Dictionary

Q1) Cocaine abuse doubles the risk of ischemic strokes. True or False?

Q2) Name the three types of ischemic strokes?

Q3) A hemorrhagic stroke, or cerebral hemorrhage, is a form of stroke that occurs when __?__.

Q4) Hemorrhagic strokes are not as dangerous than their more common counterpart, ischemic strokes. True or False?

Q5) There are two types of hemorrhagic stroke, neame them?

Q6) Amphetamine abuse quintuples, and cocaine abuse doubles, the risk of hemorrhagic strokes. Quintuples means?

Q7) The symptoms of stroke depend on the type of stroke and the area of the brain affected. True or False?

Q8) Stroke can affect patients physically, mentally, emotionally, or a combination of the three. True or False?

Q9) The sooner treatment is given, the more likely damage can be minimized. Every moment counts. Seek emergency treatment immediately. True or False?

Q10) Signs or symptoms of a person experincing a stroke are?