First Aid - High Blood Pressure - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) High blood pressure is also called __?__.

Q2) Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff and recorded as two numbers, such as 120/80 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury). True or False?

Q3) The top, larger number (120/80) is called the __?__.

Q4) The bottom, smaller number (120/80) is called the __?__.

Q5) The systolic pressure is?

Q6) The diastolic pressure is?

Q7) High blood pressure in adults is defined as a consistently elevated blood pressure of __?__ or higher.

Q8) Uncontrolled high blood pressure is indirectly responsible for many deaths and may result in __?___.

Q9) Sometimes people with high blood pressure have the following symptoms __?__.

Q10) High blood pressure often is labeled - the silent killer. Why?