First Aid - General Knowledge - Study #30        Online Dictionary

Q1) The three most commonOnly cut the umbilical cord if medical aid is delayed by __?__ hours.

Q2) Some bleeding from the mother after giving childbirth is normal. True or False?

Q3) All babies upon birth have fluid in the nose and throat. This must be drained immdediately. True ofr False?

Q4) The __?__, which attaches the baby to the placenta, is a delicate organ with veins and arteries.

Q5) Save the placenta on a clean towel and protect it in a clean plastic bag and take with mother and baby to hospital. True or False?

Q6) When transporting a mother with baby have her lay on her ___?__.

Q7) Upon birth, allow the baby to suck on the mother s breast. True or False?

Q8) The heart receives its own blood supply, containing __?__, through the __?___ arteries.?

Q9) Name four unhealthy life-style factors that increase the risk of heart disease?

Q10) What is the medical term for heart attack?