First Aid - General Knowledge - Study #28        Online Dictionary

Q1) First aid for a snake bite is?

Q2) Do not give alcohol to a snakebite casuality; it could make their condition worse. True or False?

Q3) Should a first aider suck out venom out of a snakbite?

Q4) Snakebites: make a cut and let bleed. True or False?

Q5) With a serious bite or sting, apply a constricting band between the bite and the heart. True or False?

Q6) For a snakebite or sting place the constricting band __?_ centimeters/inches above the wound. You should be able slip two fingers under the constricting band.

Q7) First aid for a sting or bite?

Q8) First aid for leech attachment?

Q9) Ticks have transmisble diseases. True or False?

Q10) Define drowning and near-drowning?