First Aid - General Knowledge - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) How often should a first aider replace a dressing as blood seeps through?

Q2) What is the best way to treat a minor burn?

Q3) When giving CPR to a child between the ave of one to eaight, the number of appropriate compressions is?

Q4) The reason you apply a cold compress to a bruised area is because ___?___

Q5) When someone is bleeding from a cut you __?___.

Q6) What is the time period for someone with chicken pox to pass on the infection to someone else?

Q7) Treating frost-bite?

Q8) The best way to stop nose bleed is to?

Q9) If someone faints, what is the first thing you should do?

Q10) Upon asking consent and permission, if there is no response you have what is called __?__, and you can go ahead and give help.