First Aid - Ear Infection/Treatment - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) Having a live insect (object) in your ear can be extremely uncomfortable. What is the best way to remove it?

Q2) You can use a q-tip to safely clean out an ear. True or False?

Q3) TIf there is a discharge (wax or fluid) from the ear, it is best to visit a doctor and have it examined. True or False?

Q4) Most ear injuries are caused by pressure changes during direct injury (such as a blow to the ear) or sport scuba diving. It is best to visit a doctor. True or False?

Q5) Nname the instrument that a doctor uses to examine an ear with?

Q6) Symptoms of an ear infection are?

Q7) What is vertigo?

Q8) What is otitis externa?

Q9) What is otitis media?

Q10) Ear infections are the most common illnesses in babies and young children... and may require antibiotics. It is best to see a doctor. True or False?