First Aid - Drowning - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1 Infants under one year who are victims, drown in the bath when the parent or caretaker leaves the child alone for a few minutes to answer the phone, or to fetch something. True or False?

Q2) The home swimming pool is where most drownings, involving children under the age of __?__ occurr.

Q3) In adults, most drownings occur in males who are __?__.

Q4) A child or adult who nearly drowns but has been rescued, is still in danger because fluid could build up in the lungs a few hours later. True or False?

Q5) Name the six-step first aid procedure for a drowning victum?

Q6) Baby bath seats or rings: Never leave your child unattended in a bath seat - he could slip down into the water and get trapped underneath, or the ring could tip over. True or False?

Q7) Don't assume it's too late to save a person/childs's life - even if they are unresponsive, continue performing CPR and do not stop until medical professionals take over. True or False?

Q8) Did you know that by giving the Heimlich maneuver to a drowning victim, you can change their odds of dying from as high as 42% to just 3%? True or False?

Q9) Each year in the United States, over 4,000 people drown and about one-third of them are children under __?__ years of age.

Q10) Each year, chidren fall head first into a toilet bowl and drown. True or False?