First Aid - Cuts - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) Minor cuts and scrapes usually don't require a trip to the emergency room. Yet proper care is essential to avoid __?__ or other complications.

Q2) Name the guidelines can help you care for simple wounds?

Q3) The first layer of skin is called __?__.

Q4) If possible, before you try to stop severe bleeding, wash your hands to avoid infection and put on synthetic gloves. True or False?

Q5) Name the steps you take for severe bleeding?

Q6) A puncture wound - such as results from stepping on a nail or being stuck with a tack - can be dangerous because of the risk of __?__.

Q7) If the puncture is deep, is in your foot, is contaminated or is the result of an animal or human bite, see your doctor. True or False?

Q8) After bandaging, check circulation below the injury again to ensure blood flow has not been restricted by bandaging. True or False?

Q9) If the dressings become blood soaked, don't remove them, add more and continue pressure. True or False?

Q10) Depending on the severity of the bleeding, dial emergency for an ambulance or take the casualty to the __?__.