First Aid - Cardiac Arrest - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) Cardiac arrest is what happens when a person dies. The heart does not beat and breathing ceases, which starves the body of oxygen. True or False?

Q2) Sometimes a person can be revived during the first several minutes after cardiac arrest. True or False?

Q3) Brain damage is likely if cardiac arrest lasts for more than 5 minutes, and death is likely if cardiac arrest lasts for more than 10 minutes. True or False?

Q4) Fewer than __?__ percent of people who are not already hospitalized when they have a cardiac arrest survive to be discharged from the hospital, and many survivors have brain damage.

Q5) A person in cardiac arrest lies motionless without breathing and does not respond to questions or to stimulation, such as shaking. True or False?

Q6) First aid for cardiac arrest should proceed as quickly as possible. True or False?

Q7) What is the first aid treatment procedure if you suspect cardiac arrest?

Q8) A cardiac arrest, also known as __?__.

Q9) Most out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur following a __?__.

Q10) Although cardiac arrest can result from a heart attack, cardiac arrest can occur suddenly without any signs and symptoms of a heart attack first. This occurrence is called sudden death. There are the signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest: