First Aid - Sprained Ankle - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) A sprained ankle happens when the __?__have been damaged by the joint being twisted.

Q2) First aid treatment for a sprained ankle is?

Q3) What does ice do when it is applied to an injury?

Q4) What does ice do when it is applied to an injury?

Q5) Rapid, significant swelling usually indicates severe damage has taken place. True or False?

Q6) Depending on how bad the damage is, these symptoms will usually go away between one and __?__ weeks after the accident.

Q7) The patient must avoid damaging the ankle further by not allowing it to bear too much weight too early. True or False?

Q8) Name the symptoms of a sprained ankle?

Q9) First you need to determine if it is a strain or a sprain. A strain is a __?__.

Q10) A sprain is more serious and involves stretched or torn ligaments around a __?__.