First Aid - Poisoning: Lead - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) Lead poisoning occurs when you absorb too much lead by breathing or swallowing a substance with lead in it, such as food, dust, paint, or __?__.

Q2) Too much lead in the body can cause irreversible problems in growth and development in children, including:

Q3) In adults, lead poisoning can cause serious health problems, including:

Q4) What are the symptoms of lead poisoning?

Q5) Severe cases of lead poisoning may result in?

Q6) Exposure to high levels of lead in a short period of time is called __?__ toxicity.

Q7) OExposure to small amounts of lead over a long period of time is called __?__ toxicity.

Q8) Severe cases of lead poisoning need to be hospitalized to receive a medication called a __?__ agent.

Q9) Seek medical consultation if you suspect lead poisoning. True or False?

Q10) More than __?__% of children in the United States have lead poisoning.