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1. Main verbs, also known as regular, common, or lexical verbs, express action or state of being. They stand    alone in their  meaning and are not dependent on another verb. Main verbs can be classified as transitive,    intransitive, or as both.   See regular verb list.
(a) A transitive verb (v.t.) takes a direct object. Eg. Somebody stole my bike.     verb: stole object: bike  
(b) Intransitive verbs (v.i.) are those which do not have a direct object: Eg. She has arrived.   verb: arrived
(c) Some verbs can be either transitive or intransitive (v.t. & v.i.), depending on their context in the sentence.
     Refer to your dictionary for the correct verb type classification. Eg. capsize
2. Auxillary/linking verbs are used together with a main verb to give added meaning to the sentence.
    Linking verbs are always intransitive, but not all intransitive verbs.   Eg. been, was, need... just to name a few.
3. Irregular verbs have no rules for conjugation, and can only be learnt in context.  For irregular verbs, the
     past tense ending and the past participle ending is variable, so it is necessary to learn them by heart.
    See irregular verb list.    Eg. awake, become, choose, do... just to name a few.
