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Sentence Definition and Types:      Sentences are catergorized in two ways: by structure and by type.

A. The four sentence structures are:

1. Simple Sentences consist of one independent clause  (underlined). The independent clause consists of a
     subject and verb (simple predicate).  “I love sports.”    Subject: sports   Verb: I love


2. Compound Sentences consist of two or more independent clauses (underlined). The independent clauses are
     joined by a conjunction. "I love sports, and I love fashion. (conjunction: ,and)


3. Complex Sentences consist of one independent clause (underlined) and one or more dependent clauses
    (italicized.)  “I love sports because it’s exciting.”


4. Complex-Compound Sentences consist of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent
     clauses (italicized.) “I love sports because it’s exciting, and I love fashion because it too, is exciting.”

B. The five sentence types are:

1. Declarative Sentences are used to make a simple statement. “I love sports.” Most sentences are declarative.
2. Interrogative Sentences  are used to ask a question. “Do you like sports?” 
3. Exclamatory Sentences are used to express intense emotion. "Help!" Note the punctuation: "!"
4. Imperative Sentences  are used for commands, with the pronoun "would you" being optional.
     Eg. “Please buy me a drink.”  “Would you please buy me a drink.”
5. Conditional Sentences  are used to express what one would do if a condition were met. Eg. "If I won the
     lottery, I would travel the world attending sport events and fashion shows.”