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Parts of Speech:    Pronoun Definition:

A pronoun is a word used to replace or to refer to a noun/pronoun. An antecedent is the word(s) to which
the pronoun is being referred to. There are nine different pronoun types. Some pronoun-type sentences require
an antecedent, and some not.
Eg. The man who lives next door died. (antecedent: man ------ pronoun: who)
       Jane was trying to decide whether she should go to the store or not. (antecedent: Jane ------ pronoun: she)






A pronoun is a word used to replace orrefer to a noun/pronoun. An antecedent is the word(s) to which the pronoun is being referred to. There are nine different pronoun types. Some pronoun-type sentences require an antecedent, and some not.
Eg. The man who lives next door died. (antecedent: man ------ pronoun: who)
       Jane was trying to decide whether she should go to the store or not. (antecedent: Jane ------ pronoun: she)






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