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1. Possessive pronouns are used to show possession. A possessive pronoun may proceed an adjective or a
   noun. As they are used as adjectives, beware they are also known by some scholars as 'possessive
   adjectives'. Eg. Lets take mine.
Eg. Lets take my car. (proceeding a noun)
The eight possessive pronouns are:    
_______________ mine   That is mine.    ________________________________________
_______________ his   His is located next to a store.    ________________________________________
_______________ hers   Hers is the orange one.    ________________________________________
_______________ its   The cat cleans its fur by licking.    ________________________________________
_______________ ours   Ours is the one on the left.    _________________________________________
_______________ theirs   Theirs is the one on the right.    _________________________________________
_______________ yours  Yours we put over there.    _________________________________________
_______________ whose Whose is this?    _________________________________________
The eight possessive pronouns are:
mine     _______________    _______________  ours     _______________    _______________
his     _______________    _______________   theirs    _______________    _______________
hers     _______________    _______________ yours     _______________    _______________
its     _______________    _______________ whose    _______________    _______________