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1. The interrogative pronouns are used in question sentences. And there are five: who, which, what, where and how.
     The interrogative sentence does not contain the antecedent, it is either understood or remains unknown until the
     question is answered. The antecedent is the noun being refered to.
    Eg. "Which do you like?"(interrogative pronoun: which - with  the antecedent given in the answer.)
    The possible answer to this question may be: "I like blue." (antecedent: blue)
The interrogative pronouns are:
    _______________ who   Who is going with you?    ___________________________________________
    _______________ which   Which do you prefer?    ___________________________________________
    _______________ what   What would you like?    ___________________________________________
    _______________ where   Where are you?    ___________________________________________
    _______________ how   How much will this cost?    ___________________________________________
Who is taking out the garbage? (the antecedent is understood: John, Jane, Harry, etc.)
Which is yours? (the antecedent is understood: coat, drink, hat, house, etc.)
The interrogative pronouns are:
who     _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________
which     _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________
what     _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________
where     _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________
how     _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________