1. When a word is split into two (hyphenated) and another word is added in the middle to give extra emphasis, this is __?__. |
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2. A negative pronoun refers to a negative noun __?__. |
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3. If you break a sentence or phrase down to identify the words grammatically, you __?__ it. |
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4. A __?__ question is one that suggests an answer, that implies that there is only one implied answer. |
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5. A non-defining relative clause gives extra information about a noun or noun phrase and has __?__ at both ends. |
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6. Two words with sounds that are very similar are called a __?__ pair, like SHIP and SHEEP, etc. |
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7. A person's __?__ is their own personal language, the words they choose and any other features that characterise their speech and writing. |
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8. The Agent is the person or entity that performs the action described by a __?__. |
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9. __?__ language is informal language that is not rude, but would not be used in formal situations. |
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10.The declarative mood is the normal form of a verb, in contrast with the __?__ and the subjunctive. |
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11. A word that has been shortened is called an __?__. |
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12. [Has/have + been + present participle] is what verb tense?
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13. 'DO', 'BE' and 'HAVE' are the __?__ verbs in English. |
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14. A __?__ is a word that means the same as another word, or more or less the same. Eg. movie and film |
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15. A __?__ is a word or phrase used for numbers; 'one' and 'first', etc. |
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