Dinosaurs - General Knowledge Quiz #8

Q1) Dinosaurs are classafied as mammals. True or False?

Q2) Some dinosaurs were able to fly. True or False?

Q3) Most dinosaurs were herbivores (plant-eaters). True or False?

Q4) Pterosaurs (meaning "winged lizards") were flying, prehistoric __?__.

Q5) Dinosaurs became extinct due to humans killing/hunting them. True or False?

Q6) Were the largest dinosaurs carnivores (meat-eaters) or herbivores (plant-eaters)?

Q7) The most bird-like dinosaur ever discovered is the 90-million-year-old __?__.

Q8) Not all huge prehistoric animals were dinosaurs. True or False?

Q9) Dinosaurs dominated the Earth for over 165 million years, but mysteriously went extinct __?__ million years ago.

Q10) Dinosaurs were land-dwelling reptiles that walked with an erect stance. Their unique hip structure caused their legs to stick out from under their bodies, and not sprawl out from the side like today's reptiles. True or False?