Dinosaurs - General Knowledge Quiz #10

Q1) There are two main types of dinosaurs, named from the configuration of their pelvic bones: bird-hipped and __?__.

Q2) Sauropods and theropods are bird-hipped dinosaurs. True or False?

Q3) Sauropods had huge elephantine bodies coupled with very long necks and __?__.

Q4) 250 million years ago there was no there were no flowering plants and no grass. True or False?

Q5) What is the scirntific name given to pre-historic flying reptiles?

Q6) Name the dinosaur that had the largest claws of all time?

Q7) __?__ were so abundant that experts have dubbed them 'the sheep of the Cretaceous.'

Q8) While dinosaurs dominated the land, huge marine reptiles ruled the water. True or False?

Q9) The Ichthyosaurs (fish reptiles) appeared after the dinosaurs. True or False?

Q10) Name the most famous of all dinosaurs?