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Crocodiles - Study #1

Q1) Freshwater crocodiles also live in tidal reaches of some rivers. In Australia crocodiles are called ________?

Q2) A freshwater crocodile can be distinguished from an estuarine crocodile. The difference being?

Q3) Adult male crocodiles (freshwater) weigh ______?

Q4) Female freshwater crocodiles weigh half that of males. True or False?

Q5) A male crocodile (freshwater) can be as long as ________?

Q6) A crocodile's lifespan is about _______ years?

Q7) Female crocodiles lay eggs in a nest, between four and 20 eggs, on average 12. Incubation takes _______ days.

Q8) One prey that crodiles also eat are small crustaceans. Crustaceans are __________?

Q9) Over 70 percent of eggs laid are destroyed by flooding and/or eaten by _____________?

Q10) As with the estuarine crocodile, freshwater crocodiles actively hunt but are known for also ambush predators. Ambush predators means?


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