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Walruses - Study #1

Q11) The dictionary definition of a walruses is _______?
Q2) Walruses spend about half their time in the water and half their time on _____________ ?

Q3) Walruses and dive to a depth of ______ and stay under water up to 30 minutes.

Q4) Walruses eat fish they catch and __________?

Q5) A walrus lives about _______ years?

Q6) A mother walrus will nurse its newborn calf for _______ years?

Q7) Female walruses mature at about ______ years, males at _____?

Q8) Walruses are hunted for food by humans, orca killer whales, and _________?

Q9) Walruses are hunted for food by humans, orca killer whales, and _________?

Q10) Walures grouped together are called a _________?


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