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Squirrel Fox - Study #1

Q1) The Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) is the largest species of tree squirrels native to __?__.

Q2) The Fox Squirrel is also refered to as the __?__.

Q3) The Fox Squirrel thrive best among trees such as oak, hickory, walnut and __?__ that produce winter-storable foods like nuts.

Q4) There is no sexual dimorphism in size or appearance. This means?

Q5) Fox Squirrels are strictly diurnal, non-territorial, and spend more of their time on the ground than most other tree squirrels.True or False?

Q6) The fox squirrel has ___ breeding seasons in one year.

Q7) Their maximum life expectancy is 13 years for females and __?__ years for males.

Q8) Name the main predators that prey on fox squirrels: hawks, __?__.

Q9) Fox squirrels are impressive jumpers, easily spanning fifteen feet (meters) in horizontal leaps and free-falling __?__ feet (meters) or more to a soft landing on a limb or trunk.

Q10) The fox squirrel live in winter dens hollowed out of tree trunks by a succession of descendants over 30 years. True or False?



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