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Black Rhinoceros - Study #1

Q1) The black rhinoceros has two horns on its nose, a pointed and prehensile upper lip, and __?__ gray skin.

Q2) The black rhinoceros can weigh as much as __?__.

Q3) The black rhinoceros habitat is __?__.

Q4) The black rhinoceros diet type is __?__.

Q5) The black rhinoceros has a true horn. True or False?

Q6) There are approximately black rhinoceros __?__ left surviving in the world.

Q7) The black rhinoceros is a well-tempered animal and are aproachable? True or False?

Q8) Female black rhinoceros give birth one calf every to 2 to ___ years.

Q9) Why are black rhonoceros in danger of becoming instinct?

Q10) What continent is the black rhinoceros native to?



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