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Pygmy Possum - Study #1
Q1) The Pygmy Possum is an Australian marsupial and can weigh up to __?__ ounzes. (grams) The size of a mouse and could easily fit in the palm of your hand.
Q3) The Pygmy Possum is nocturnal and sleeps in a __?__ during the day.
Q4) The Pygmy Possum's predators are foxes and house __?__.
Q5) Pygmy Possum's are also omnivorous, living on a diet of invertebrates, fruit, seed, nectar and pollen. Invertebrates are?
Q6) The Pygmy Possum is one of the world's only hibernating marsupials. True or False?
Q7) A mother Pygmy possum produces a litter of usually __?__ young.
Q8) The lifespan of a Pygmy Possum in the wild is __?__ years.
Q9) Adult males and females live apart from each other except during the breeding season. True ofr False?
Q10) Because they are so small, it is difficult for them to stay warm in very cold weather, so they stay torpid. Torpid means?