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Crested Porcupine - Study #1

Q1) The Crested Porcupine, also known as the European Porcupine, African Porcupine, or __?__ crested porcupine.

Q2) The Crested Porcupine is a nocturnal rodent that lives on the ground and is found from Sicily, Italy, the northern coast of Africa south to Tanzania and northern __?__.

Q3) An adult Crested Porcupine can weigh as heavy as __?__ pounds (kg).

Q4) The Crested Porcupine has black and white quills along its back and neck. The quills are erectile and can be up to __?__ inches (cm)long.

Q5) The Crested Porcupine diet type is __?__.

Q6) A female porcupine will give birth to a litter of one to __?__ young. And have up two litters per year.

Q7) Family groups of porcupines will often share dens. Females search for food together in groups of two's or three's. True or False?

Q8) The North African Crested porcupine is the largest porcupine on the earth. True or False?

Q9) The North African Crested porcupine has a forefoot with __?__ claws.

Q10) Porcupines can shoot their quills at will at predators. True or False?



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