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Black Panther - Study #1

Q1) The term panther is synonymous with __?__.

Q2) In North America, the term panther is commonly used for the Cougar; in Latin America it is most often used to mean a __?__.

Q3) Melanism (cats being the color of black)is most common in the Jaguar (Panthera onca) - where it is due to a dominant gene mutation. True or False?

Q4) With the Leopard (Panthera pardus) - where it is due to a recessive gene mutation. True or False?

Q5) White panthers also exist, these being albino or leucistic individuals of the same three species. (Cougers, Jagaurs, and Leaopards.) True or False?

Q6) It is probable that melanism is a favorable evolutionary mutation with a selective advantage under certain conditions for its possessor, since it is more commonly found in regions of dense forest, where __?__ levels are lower.

Q7) Black leopards are reported from most densely-forested areas in Africa, China, Burma, Assam, Nepal, and __?__.

Q8) Adult black panthers (leopards) are more temperamental (nervous or vicious) than their spotted counterparts. True or False?

Q9) In Jaguars, the mutation is dominant hence black jaguars can produce both black and __?__ cubs, but spotted jaguars only produce spotted cubs when bred together.

Q10) In Florida, a few melanistic bobcats exist. True or False?



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