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River Otter - Study #1

Q1) The coat color of the river otter varies from gray-brown to reddish-__?__ .

Q2) The River Otter's diet type is carnivore: fish, mollusks, crabs, amphibians, birds, eggs, small reptiles and __?__.

Q3) A female River Otter can give birth to a litter of one to __?__ pups.

Q4) River otters can live for five to __?__ years in the wild.

Q5) Predators of River Otters include alligators, bobcats, and __?__.

Q6) The feet of the River Otter are webbed which allow it to be extremely agile in the water. They are powerful swimmers. True of False?

Q7) A River Otter's tail makes up 30 to 40% of its total body length. True or False?

Q8) An adult River Otter can weigh as much as __?__ pounds. The male is larger than the female.

Q9) On land, the river otters can run up to __?__ miles per hour.

Q10) The Northern river otter is found in a wide variety of aquatic habitats, both freshwater and costal marine, including lakes, rivers, inland wetlands, coastal marshes, and estuaries. True or False?



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