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Mountain Lions - Study #1

Q1) The dictionary definition of a mountain lion is?
Q2)The scientific name for mountain lion is _______?

Q3) The primary food of the mountain lion is ___________?

Q4) A mountain lion can run as fast as ____________?

Q5) A mountain lion can jump as far as __________?

Q6) A North American mountain lion can be as long as 8 ft. (head to tail) and weigh between __________?

Q7) A mountain lion can kill and drag prey about ________ times their own weight?

Q8) Mountain lions hunt alone and ambush their prey, often from ___________________?

Q9) Mountain lions, like all other cats, are territorial, and mark their area by ___________________?

Q10) Attacks on humans are rare, but do occur, especially as humans encroach on wildlands. Since 1890 their has beenin North America ________ human fatalities?


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