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Caracal Lynx - Study #1

Q1) The Caracal lynx has a reddish-brown to yellow-gray coat, white undersides, tufted __?__, and long legs.

Q2) The Caracal (a lynx) is native to Africa and __?__.

Q3) The Caracal's diet type is __?__.

Q4) Caracals are usually solitary animals. True or False?

Q5) A female Caracal will give birth to a litter of one to __?__ cubs.

Q6) Caracals can hurl themselves several feet off the ground to snatch small birds from the air and are swift enough to catch several birds in one leap. True or False?

Q7) An adult Caracal can weigh as heavy as __?__ pounds. (kg)

Q8) The most conspicuous feature of the Caracal are its long, tufted black ears and are controlled by 20 different muscles to help it find its prey. True or False?

Q9) The Caracal's life expectancy in the wild is __?__ years, or 17 years in captivity.

Q10) The Caracal (Caracal caracal), also called Persian Lynx or African Lynx, is a fiercely territorial medium-sized cat. True or False?



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