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Karakul (Persian Lamb) - Study #1

Q1) The karakul or QaraQul is a breed of mid-sized domesticated __?__.

Q2) Karakul is renowned for its ability to forage and thrive under extremely harsh living conditions. True or False?

Q3) Karakul are used in Central Asia for their meat, milk and __?__.

Q4) The karakul's most important feature, however, is its prized pelt, from which karakul __?__ comes.

Q5) Karakul can also found in Namibia and Africa; brought there by __?__ colonists in the early 20th century.

Q6) The karakul may be the oldest breed of domesticated sheep, evidence indicating __?__ B.C.

Q7) The harsh conditions under which karakul evolved has given them strong and lasting __?__, a key to their longevity.

Q8) The rams will weigh between 175 to 225 pounds (102 kg) and the ewes range from 100 to __?__ pounds.

Q9) The karakul produces a lightweight, high-volume, strong fiber __?__ that, at its best is long and lustrous, usually with no crimp.

Q10) Karakul are also known as Persian Lamb. True or False?



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