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Black-backed Jackal - Study #1

Q1) The Black-backed jackal is an __?__ canine with a fox-like appearance, tan fur, and a thick stripe of black and silver running down its back.

Q2) The Black-backed jackal can weigh as much as __?__. Males are usually larger than females.

Q3) Black-backed jackals usually live together in pairs that last for life (monogomous). True or False?

Q4) Black-backed jackals hunt in packs to catch larger prey such as impala and __?__.

Q5) Black-backed jackals are mainly nocturnal, but Black-backed Jackals come out in the day occasionally. True or False?

Q6) Their omnivorous diet includes, among other things: impala, antelopes, fur seal cubs, gazelle, guinea fowl, insects, rodents, hares, lizards, snakes, fruits and berries, __?__ animals such as sheep and goats, and carrion.

Q7) The female jackal can give birth to a litter of three to ___ pups.

Q8) The jackal's habitat is __?__.

Q9) One particular fruit that is eaten by jackals may serve as a natural dewormer. True or False?

Q10) Jackals are very territorial (2 sq kl)and marked off its boundaries regularly with __?__ by both the male and female.



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