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Hedgehog - Study #1

Q1) There are __?__ species of hedgehog in five genera, found through parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand.

Q2) There are no hedgehogs native to Australia and North America. True or False?

Q3) Hedgehogs have changed little over the last __?__ million years.

Q4) The Long-eared Hedgehog are preyed on by foxes, wolves and __?__.

Q5) All hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal and sleeps for a large portion of the daytime either under cover of bush or grass or rock or in a hole in the ground. True or False?

Q6) All wild hedgehogs can hibernate, although not all do; hibernation depends on __?__, abundance of food and species.

Q7) Hedgehogs have __?__ toes on their front paws with short nails. However, on their back paws they have 4 toes with long, constantly growing nails.

Q8) Hedgehogs are fairly vocal, and communicate not only in a series of grunts and snuffles, but sometimes in loud __?__.

Q9) Similar to opossums, mice, and moles, hedgehogs have some natural immunity against snake venom. True or False?

Q10) Hedgehogs are omnivores and feed on insects, snails, frogs and toads, snakes, bird eggs, carrion, mushrooms, grass roots, berries, melons, and __?__.



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