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Gray Fox - Study #1

Q1) The Gray Fox is a species of canid ranging from southern Canada, throughout most of the lower United States and Central America, to _________?

Q2) The gray fox is small and has a pepper brown back and white nose; tawny sides, neck, and legs; a white belly; and a black stripe along its ______?______ .

Q3) The gray fox weighs as much as _?__.

Q4) The gray fox can scramble up and down trees with relative ease. True or False?

Q5) The pelage is coarse when compared to other foxes. Pelage means?

Q6) Gray foxes are omnivores. There diet consisting mostly of ____?

Q7) When gray foxes mate it is for life. This type of mating is called?

Q8) The fur of the gray fox is one inch longer than the red fox. True or False?

Q9) Gray foxes are primarily nocturnal. Nocturnal means?

Q10) The gray fox can reach a speed of __?___ mph for short distances.